California 401(k) Investing
A self-directed California 401(K) lets you invest in what's important to you without having to wait for the markets to fluctuate. You can invest in things such as real estate, royalties and collectibles. And if those investments go well, you could achieve higher returns than a traditional 401(k).
A self-directed 401(k) gives you a lot more freedom than any traditional 401(k) plans. Legally, what distinguishes this type of plan from all the others is that you get to dictate your investment decisions and the funds in your account. However, it's important to keep in mind that not every company offering "self-directed 401(k)" options actually offers true self-direction. That's why we encourage our clients to make sure they are dealing with true self-direction before signing up for anything. A company can't claim to offer true self-direction if it limits your investment options.

A REAL Self-Directed 401 (k)
True self-directed 401(k) means that you have full control over your account and can make any investment that you want, whenever you want. Unlike a traditional 401(k) plan where the bank manager holds the checkbook, with true self-directed 401(k) investment in California, it's completely in your hands.
Getting Started With Self-Directed 401 (k)
Self-directed 401(k)s aren't as commonly known, but they're a fantastic way to manage your retirement funds. This gives you increased control over how much and what you invest in.
You can get an exclusive control over your funds without the need to get “permission” from your financial institution.
Interested In 401 (k) Investing?
Contact one of our representatives today to find out more information and tips on 401 (k) investing in California
Why Haven't I Heard Of This 401 (k) investing options Before?
When talking about retirement, a common myth is that you have to invest in the stock market. This isn't true: there are plenty of options other than stocks. One common option is a self-directed IRA or 401(k). It's been around for awhile and it's growing in popularity.
One advantage of stocks over other types of investments is that stockbrokers earn a commission from them. Moreover, 97% of all people who are in retirement accounts have been invested in stocks for decades. All these years they've managed to make good money out of it. Why would they stop now?
It's not enough for a stock broker to tell you about the benefits of investing in stocks. They need to tell you about the alternatives and if you don't take the time to educate yourself, you'll lose the opportunity to make more money.
We'd love to answer your question about investing in real estate with a self-directed 401(k). Whether you're looking for trust deeds or mortgages, our team would be happy to help. We'll also show you how to get started. It's easy and rewarding - and having more control over your retirement account means you have more control over your financial future.
We also have an options for foreign citizen's investments.